John Deere Serial Number Decoder 13 Digit
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John Deere Serial Number Decoder 13 Digit 8,3/10 5171 votes

John Deere Pin Number Decoder
Understanding your John Deere Engine Serial Number Knowing your ESN is critical to making sure you are ordering the correct parts for your engine. The following guide will help you break down your engine's serial number into useful information. 1963 110 = 4 digit serial number from 2550 - 3550 (110 3283) 1964 110 = 4 or 5 digit serial number from 3551 - 15000 ( 110 4080 ) 1965 110 = 5 digit serial number from 15001 - 40000 with an 'A' prefix at the beginning ( 110 A15026 ).