Installing A Defiant Deadbolt
. 963 Answers SOURCE: The back plate of the keypad side of the lock on the exterior of the door has a sticker which includes the serial number, six digit programming code and two pre-programmed four digit user codes.
Defiant Deadbolt Instructions

The lock must be disassembled to a point the exterior of the lock can be pulled away from the door and the information on the sticker made note of. This link will give you instructions for various models of Schlage locks: There is a video on that page. Posted on Mar 06, 2011.

To change a deadbolt lock, start by unscrewing the old deadbolt and removing the interior and exterior faceplates. Then, unscrew and remove the set plate, which is the piece of metal that faces the doorframe. I recently changed the batteries on my Defiant Electronic Deadbolt and now it just emits loud beeps at random intervals. The batteries were brand new so I'm not sure why. Anyone know a solution? This installation video (second item down) will be useful to allow you to disassemble it and view the sticker. This is also a great time to change.